All posts by Efrain Ferrer.

Commercial Truck Insurance News in 2022

2022 in Review – Commercial Trucking Insurance

As the year comes to a close, we’re looking back at what happened in the trucking industry and highlights of the big rig insurance industry this year. For truck drivers and owner-operators alike, 2022 has…
Truck Roadcheck for Fleet Owners

Are You Ready? Truck Roadcheck 2023

Getting ready for the truck roadcheck for 2023 is no easy task. You must get all your paperwork in order, get your vehicle ready, pass a physical exam, and make sure you are covered with…
cheap commercial truck insurance

Trucker Taxes for 2022: Tips to Save Money

As the year 2022 comes to an end, truckers need to be aware of changes in the tax code by the IRS that will affect their income. One of the best ways to save money…