What is Owner-Operator Authority? Ways to Weigh In the Pros and Cons

What is Owner-Operator Authority? Ways to Weigh In the Pros and Cons

The trucking industry contributes immensely to the U.S. economy. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the trucking industry earned $732.3 billion in revenue by transporting 72.5% of the country’s freight by weight. That same year,…
Federal Filings for Truckers in the US Explained

Federal Filings for Truckers in the US Explained

Once you’ve found cheap truck insurance that matches your business needs, such as from SoCal Truck Insurance, it’s time to file for proof of financial responsibility. This document ensures the government that you’ve obtained liability…
The Importance of Semi-Truck Maintenance Schedules

The Importance of Semi-Truck Maintenance Schedules

When you keep your truck well maintained like those fleet management plans, you have a good chance of keeping it in top shape. Even though no one likes to spend money, investing in your business’s…