
Category Archives for Blog

Tips for Fleet Owners to Thrive in the Ups and Downs of the Trucking Industry

Tips for Fleet Owners to Thrive in the Ups and Downs of the Trucking Industry

What is trucking fleet ownership?  The trucking fleet ownership business plays an important role in the industry. 97% of trucking companies are a small business that owns 20 or fewer trucks. Chances are, your trucking…
Truck Driving: Day Versus Night

Truck Driving: Day Versus Night

Many long-distance truck drivers must choose between the difficult decision of driving during the day and driving at night, depending on the requirements of their commercial trucking insurance company.  While many drivers develop a preference…
Essential Things Truck Drivers Should Check Before Hitting the Road

Essential Things Truck Drivers Should Check Before Hitting the Road

Before heading out the road, it’s critical that every commercial truck driving company instruct their drivers to complete pre-trip inspections to meet insurance company safety requirements. Not only does this help keep your insurance quote…