Category Archives for Blog

Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Trucks

Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Trucks

If you ask the manufacturers, they will agree that the electric truck revolution has already begun. Lots of big brands, including Ford, are promoting these vehicles to the hilt. They are telling the market that…
5 Ways to Prevent Cargo Theft

5 Ways to Prevent Cargo Theft

Cargo theft is one of the most common threats faced by companies that manufacture food, apparel, electronics, and other in-demand consumer goods. Therefore, getting cheap truck insurance coverage helps you minimize unexpected expenses from unfortunate…
Regulations That Could Impact the Trucking Industry in 2021

Regulations That Could Impact the Trucking Industry in 2021

A lot has happened in the world in the last two years. With the pandemic forcing many businesses to shut down and with states closing down their borders, the trucking industry is impacted heavily—to minimize…